Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Citizen Rant

Dear Presidential Candidates,

Who gives a crap about tax rates?  Banks, investment firms, and most large corporations are robbing us blind every day!  And really, tax RATES are far less important than tax BREAKS - all the breaks go to the rich and the corporations.

What we Americans want and need is for our government to stand up for us, protect us, and represent us.  This means PENALIZING corporations who send jobs and money out of the United States.  This means DISMANTLING investment groups that try to profit by destroying our economy.  This means CLOSING banks that gamble on the stock market.  This means BANNING dangerous investment practices like derivatives and trading utility futures.  This means making mortgages and other long-term loans NON-TRANSFERABLE without the borrower's permission.  

And don't forget to look closely at government itself.  This means NO PAY for Congress if they don't balance the yearly budget.  This means NO WAR unless Congress approves.  This means NO CAMPAIGN FUNDING from corporations, foreign governments, PACs, unions, or other 'special interests' - require the media to equally issue and honor campaign 'air-time vouchers' as part of doing business.

Please don't give us the same tired lies; take a stand, make a promise, be an American!

Mr. Citizen

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