Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dear President Obama

I hope this letter finds you well, because 99% of the rest of Americans are not.  Let me explain.

Those policemen who are supposed to protect and serve Citizens are acting like corporate goon squads.  They are treating fellow Americans gathered in peaceful assembly like criminals, even committing acts of illegal violence, violating civil rights, and suspending basic human rights.  I would appreciate it if you would call the Mayors of the offending cities and encourage them to rein in those men who are working to push Occupy Wall Street into Blood Bath Wall Street.

And while I deeply appreciate the sentiment of your recent mortgage help, the people who really need the help are those who have MISSED mortgage payments because of the economy, not those who are simply unable to sell their home for what they paid.  Americans are being kicked out of their homes because of unemployment caused by Wall Street.  Americans are being kicked out of their homes because corporate greed abolished their jobs and sent those jobs overseas.  Americans are being kicked out of their homes fraudulently by mortgage brokers willing to fudge the paperwork to make a profit.  I would appreciate it if you would ask Congress to pass a law that suspends foreclosures nationwide until affected Americans can protect themselves with bankruptcy, finding employment, or bailouts.

In closing, let me assure you that I voted for you and will again.  Keep up the good work, sir.

Citizen America

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