Sunday, August 14, 2011

Oh Good Grief (the mini-rants)

Oh, Good Grief (the mini rants).

Okay, I'm a little pissed at President Obama.  I'm hoping he's got some hidden cards in the Capital Hill economic game -- something brave, smart, and executive.  I worry that he doesn't.  What do I see in the headlines, though?  Michelle Bachmann wins Iowa.  Really?  Considering she was only running against a handful of Republican zombies, are we really surprised?

We aren't even out of Iraq yet and "Iraqi President Jalal Talabani sought to reassure his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad that Iraq stands firmly behind Syrian stability."  More?  This support comes at the demand of. . . wait for it. . . Iran!  Maybe we should just load up the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, shoot our way through Syria, Libya, and Palestine, then put them on planes in Tel Aviv and send them home. Iran couldn't resist trying to take over the entire Muslim world and the Middle East would be busy killing each other for the next 20 years.

Why would people have prayer meetings for rain?  Because they know there's a better chance of God helping them than their government.  Why would the Governor of Texas have a prayer meeting for rain?  Because it's cheaper than building reservior dams, replacing leaky water mains, requiring rain cisterns, and investing in desalination plants.  Oh, and it's a way to get more political attention for your Presidential run.

So you're young, unemployed, British, and Jersey Shore is on break.  How to relieve the boredom?  Riot, of course.  In true Clockwork Orange fashion, ultraviolence is the new happy-happy.  Who does London turn to for help?  Former Boston, New York and Los Angeles police chief, Bill Bratton.  Oh, yeah, that's who I'd want, the fella who gave us Rodney King and a zero tolerance policy.  The guy can't keep a job; how's he gonna keep the peace?

In closing, watch this video and just TRY to not say Oh My God:

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