Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not Politics - No Rights For Mutants, and Global Cooling On Way

Had to rein myself back from ranting on politics the last few days.  It's not that I couldn't think of something else to write about, but everything I started to write stalled because I was distracted by the crazyness.

Not that I'm a political expert, party member, or even a fan of politics.  It's probably a symptom of genteel-yet-poor retirement; too much time and not enough money for distracting, expensive hobbies.  But, honestly; this is some of the most insane political stuff I've been aware of in my life.
But I'm not here to talk about politics, or my daily activities, or the status of my bunions.  I'm just not going to do that.  So. . .

No Rights For Mutants

Though this is the first time I've heard about it, almost 10 years ago the USA decided that mutants, specifically superheroes, are not humans.  It was actually a fight over import taxes - apparently toys classed as 'dolls' cost twice as much to import than toys like action figures.  In 1983, US Customs declared action figures to be dolls, and Marvel had to pay.  The legal battle went on for 19 years, but big business beat the tax man by forcing the the United States of America to agree that, by definition, "dolls represent ONLY a human being," and ". . .the court finds that these action figures do not represent human beings."

With this legal decision on the books, I'd be wary of revealing my superpowers if I were you.

Global Cooling On Way

According to experts, global warming was 'flat' for the last ten years; that is, global warming isn't warming lately.  They are quick to claim that long term measurements still predict more warming ahead and the last ten years of no warming is within statistical possibility, and the next ten years should continue the global warming trend.

Unless it doesn't.  2012 is the peak of our Sun's 11 year output cycle, and solar experts predict the next 11 years will see the weakest, coolest cycle since the 1600s - the middle of what scientists dub the Little Ice Age.  This means less sunlight and less warming from our Sun, for the next 11 years.  Throw in a volcanic eruption or two, and Earth could be back in the ice box again.

Don't throw out all your old sweaters; you might be needing them soon.

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