Friday, June 17, 2011

Anthony Weiner Resigns? What?

I promised not to make this a blog about what I had for lunch today or amateur reporting.  But I just can't get Anthony Weiner off my mind.  This is probably because it's exactly what the media wanted.

We watch Bill Maher on HBO.  Recently Rep. Weiner was on the Real Time panel.  I was impressed by his humor, intelligence, and passion.  It was clear he enjoyed the attention, liked the lively interaction, and could hold his own when things got bawdy.  He didn't hesitate to grasp the heart of a matter and hang on.

Just weeks later this same guy is resigning from the House of Representatives over internet flirting.  Not for having an affair while his stunningly beautiful wife is gone weeks at a time working for Hillary Clinton.  Not for birthing a love child with the domestic help.  Not for imbezzling money or swapping votes for gifts or anything else remotely criminal.  No, it appears he was just lonely, horney, and craving a little female attention. 

Significantly, he didn't call for a hooker, hit the strip bars, or even step outside the house.  Now, for all I know it might be revealed he had a dozen doxies on the side, but it appears that he chose to keep his indiscretions virtual.  So he is resigning for the same thing high school students do every day?

I get the feeling something else is going on, something that may never come to light.

And that bothers me.


  1. FDR is alleged to have said,

    "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

    Is Weiner a useful idiot for the continued degradation of American culture much like Clintoon and Lewinski?
