Saturday, September 24, 2011

Confusion Rules

Sometimes the spin must be such a rush that the media and government just do it for fun.  For instance:

The United States of Our America has been working for decades to bring some peace to Israel's neighborhood.  In particular, we've spent a lot of time, words, and money to get Palestine and Israel to come to some agreement over a Palestinian state.  At the same time we have fumbled, if not outright torpedoed, positive results in the same arena.

Now Palestine, not Hamas or other terrorist group, goes before the UN seeking official statehood so they can determine their own fate.  What are we doing?  Spinning so fast sparks are flying.  Block them, back them, veto, or negotiate.  It's enough to make us dizzy.

Two young men accompany a young woman on a journey to experience family roots in Iraq.  While hiking near the border between Iraq and Iran, they ran into Iranian 'border forces' and were taken captive.  This happened over 2 years ago.  Since then the story of their kidnap by an enemy of America has spun 180 degrees.

When the three were first captured, neutral representatives delivered their story of following a trail on the Iraq side of the border and being kidnapped at gunpoint.  A few months later the story changed; the three young Americans 'weren't sure' where the border was.  A year in prison, and the media begins to spout something else; the three inadvertently crossed the border.  Almost immediately, in a 'humanitarian' move, Iran accepted a $5 MILLION dollar bail to free the woman while awaiting trial.  This week the two young men were released after conviction for $1 MILLION dollars each.  When poor Somali punks do this, it's called piracy; when it happens here we call it kidnapping.  When Iran does it, the media calls it humanitarian.

Dizzy, I tell ya.

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